Destiny Education
Facilitating effective education for all
Destiny Education seeks to equip and enable all
involved in education to provide children with
quality, effective and enjoyable education.

Ms Joy Townsend
Joy, Director and CEO, co-founded Destiny Education in 2001
and now travels extensively conducting training workshops for teachers,
principals and management and consultancy for schools.
Joy has the advantage of international experience, as well as immersion
in the Indian education system for 20+ years.
Joy is the author of Fab Phonics, an innovative method of teaching phonics.
Fab Phonics is an off-line, as well on-line programme.


and many more...
Projects Completed
Some of the products and solutions that have been developed within the schools we have worked with.
Write for Change
Students often struggle with the writing process, especially when English is an additional language. This programme helps develop sentence formation in books 1 and 2, and then creative writing in books 3 and 4.

Teacher Observation
and Feedback
Appraisal is part of a teacher's development, but it can either demoralise or encourage, depending on how it is done. This process enable honest evaluation that leads to development not disappointment.

The Lesson Planning Process
Lesson planning is an essential skill that teachers often struggle with. This programme helps teachers plan effective, interactive lessons for students that enable true learning.

Implementation of
Genius Hour
Genius Hour encourages self-learning, motivation and presentation. Students choose their own topic to research and then present to others. They learn the skills of research, pitches, organisation, summarising, ICT, presentation and accepting and using feedback.

Intervention for Maximizing students’ Potential through Attainment of goals, Counseling and Training.
A programme to ensure that ALL students in your school discover and reach their potential. From struggling students to high achievers, students will grow academically and personally. Destiny Education will guide and equip your teachers to meet the needs of your students more effectively.

Event Planning by Students
Students love to plan and conduct events, everything from budgeting, to purchasing, to hosting and evaluating.

What other people say...
Joy's teacher training workshops on Phonics and Discipline were highly informative, creative, focused, interactive, practical, and fun.
Joy's expertise and guidance enabled us to think,
apply the skills learnt and improve our methods of teaching in the nurture of young children effectively.
Ann Das
Fab Phonics Level 1 is a must buy book
for all beginners age 3yrs above. Phonics is taught in a very practical way. After a month or 2 going through this book with your child regularly you will see your child starting to read. It works like magic.
Just go for it. You will never regret it.
Manju Christopher
I am very grateful for such a wonderful teacher training programme. It has helped me get better understanding of teaching methods, discipline and how I can give better input to national and international students.
After the 1st training I have started using the methods in my class and I see very good improvements in the children and class environment.
The sessions with Joy were superb. I got more that I expected. It has changed the way I look at kids and relate to them. It's made me put the child his/her needs / feelings and opinions ahead of achieving targets or just being concerned about 'my job'.
The best part is, doing all of this in a fun way without driving them and myself nuts!
Absolutely enjoyed and learnt so much in every class.